My good friend Terry Fields is the founder and President of “The Fields Group”, a ministry that specializes in helping churches in the revitalization process. This may include, but certainly not limited to, stewardship, relocation, preaching, consulting as well as a host of other things. Terry is a practitioner having served as a Sr. Pastor, staff member and stewardship strategist. He has a wealth of experience that will be a great help to you. I encourage you to use him. You will be glad you did, I assure you.

Dr. Johnny M. Hunt, PastorFBC Woodstock, GA

Terry Fields and Shane Craven are two men worthy of following in the area of church revitalization. Both have been successful pastors in their own right and bring a wealth of experience to the church. I have known them both for years and highly recommend their ministry.

Dr. James Merritt, PastorCrosspoint Church

When you are facing the revitalization of a declining Congregation you need all the help you can find! I know from first hand experience and I know it can be done with the blessing of God. God also provides seasoned, insightful people who can help your Church to get further, faster...this is where The Fields Group becomes a Pastor's best friend. Years of experience combined with wisdom forged in the trenches provides you with proven measures rather than untested theories. These a Gentleman know their craft and are ready to help you in your efforts to turn things around!

Dr. Dwight "Ike" Reighard, PastorPiedmont Church

Terry Fields has been a dear friend since seminary. God has always had his hand on him as a pastor, teacher, evangelist, and builder of great churches. Because of that experience, he understands the challenges of what it takes to revitalize struggling congregations. I can promise that he will be honest, encouraging, knowledgeable, prepared, and effective. If your church needs help, give the Fields Group a call.

Dr. David A. WheelerLiberty University

The Fields Group has more experience at turning churches around than anybody I know. After working closely beside them for years, I know they will prayerfully and faithfully put together a revitalization strategy based on their combined experience and willingness to get into the details of what it takes. Your church will be greatly encouraged and challenged. They know their stuff. Terry Fields, Shane Craven and their entire team have my highest recommendation.

Thomas Hammond, PastorAlpharetta First Baptist

I remember that our church was in a time of deciding whether calling our next pastor should be as bi-vocational, full-time, or go to mission status. I was on the search committee that called Shane Craven full-time as a step of faith. He didn’t come with some new “program,” he came leading with truth and things got done…we relocated the church into a new building after staying in the same building for over 100 years. The church has never been the same.

Loyd LangstonMount Rachel Baptist Church

If there has ever been a time for the church to be on the front lines, it is today. Yet many of our churches are in a state that is not conducive to battle. They are in a maintenance mode or in a state of weekly survival. God wants His churches healthy and strong. That's where the Fields Group comes in. They want to come along side of you and help you navigate the waters of mediocrity and find a resurgence of hope and strength. With years of experience and Godly wisdom the Fields Group can help revitalize your church and finish strong. I highly recommend the Fields Group!

Dwayne LeeState Convention of Baptists